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Lo-Shu Grid - Astrology, Numerology, Feng Shui or Magic Square

Lo-Shu (Loshu) also known as magic square or the Nine Halls Diagram, is a fragment of prehistoric Chinese mathematical and divinatory custom and an vital insignia in Feng Shui.

The name Lo or Lou means river and is derived from the river LOU. Shu on the other hand means book or scroll and thus together the word LO-SHU means scroll of the river.

It is a three by three grid with integers ranging from 1 to 9, placed on each square in a specific pattern. The sum of any row; horizontal, vertical and diagonal adds up to 15 (fifteen).

Lo-shu is reported to be as old as 650 BCE, however remarkable proofs for the existence of Loshu was found during 80 CE. It is such believed that during ancient china once the river God got angry and flooded river Lou, which destroyed everything in it's path, to calm down the raging river and God's anger people started offering some sacrifices to the river God. When river God was pleased from such offerings then a mystical turtle came out of river Lou, the turtle had a curious pattern of 3x3 grid on it's shell,  this was considered very lucky.

The Lo-Shu grid is divided into 6 (six) parts. 3 (three) verticals and 3 (three) horizontal each. The vertical, horizontal and diagonal planes has an identity and each number has a meaning, the numbers also represents the 5 (five) elements.

Pic. 1 shows how the numbers are placed in each grid and the direction they refer to.

  1. E - East
  2. W - West
  3. N- North
  4. S - South
  5. NE - North East
  6. SE - South East
  7. NW - North West
  8. SW - South West

Pic. 2 shows the horizontal plane,

Pic. 3 shows the vertical plane,
Pic. 4 shows the diagonal plane B and
Pic. 5 shows the diagonal plane A.

The 1st horizontal plane is identified as THOUGHT plane and contains the numbers 4,3,8.
The 2nd horizontal plane is identified as WILL plane and contains the numbers 9,5,1.
The 3rd horizontal plane is identified as ACTION plane and contains the numbers 2,7,6.
Similarly, the 1st vertical plane is identified as MENTAL plane and contains the numbers 4,9,2.
The 2nd vertical plane is identified as EMOTIONAL plane and contains the numbers 3,5,7.
The 3rd vertical plane contains the numbers 8,1,6 and is identified as PRACTICAL plane.

Apart from the horizontal and vertical planes, we also have two diagonal planes, which are diagonal plane B (Pic. 4) and diagonal plane A (Pic. 5) and contains the numbers 2,5,7 and 4,5,6 respectively. They both are identified as LUCKY planes.
If someone has all the numbers in plane A s/he will be successful in any career and if someone has all the numbers in plane B then s/he will have a real estate business.

Meaning of each numbers:
                 Numbers                                        Meanings            
 Career and Life Path
 Love and Relationship
 Ancestral Blessings, Family
4 Wealth, Property and Savings  
6 Helpful People, Travel and Friends       
7 Children and Creativity
 Knowledge and Wisdom
9 Fame and Aspiration

Elements each numbers represents:
  1. Water
  2. Earth
  3. Wood
  4. Wood
  5. Earth
  6. Metal (Gold)
  7. Metal (Silver)
  8. Earth
  9. Fire
When numbers are placed on the grid from one's date of birth, it is seen that some numbers are repeated. These repeating numbers also has different meaning. (We will learn more about how to put numbers in a Lo-Shu grid / Loshu grid, later in this article).

Significance of repeating numbers:

How to put numbers in LO-SHU Grid:
By now you have already seen in the pictures, of which number is written in which place, box or square of the 3x3 Loshu grid. This is the pattern in which the numbers are arranged inside the loshu grid.
Now we will discuss and see how to put numbers from your date of birth in the Lo-Shu grid.

Write down your DATE of BIRTH in the format of DD-MM-YYYY. Add D+D to get your spiritual number (SN), then add D+D+M+M+Y+Y+Y+Y and you will get you mental number (MN).
Remember to bring all numbers to a single integer.
Now in the loshu grid put all the numbers, i.e. SN, MN, D,D,M,M,Y,Y,Y,Y.
Confusing? Ok, let me show you with an example.
Date of Birth: 21-09-1984
Spiritual Number (SN): 2+1 = 3
Mental Number (NM): 2+1+0+9+1+9+8+4 = 34 = 3 + 4 = 7
So, the numbers that we will put in the Lo-Shu grid are 3,7,2,1,9,1,9,8,4 (Note: 0 is not used or considered).

Refer to Pic. 6 for a pictorial understanding.

An expert who has mastered in loshu grid reading can tell lot of details, once the numbers are placed in the grid.

Hope you all will like this article on Lo-Shu Grid. More articles related to Astrology, Feng-Shui, Loshu, Numerology and other related topics coming soon.

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