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How to Make Mango Ice Cream - At Home Recipe

mango ice cream
Summer Season is on, this year we were not able to enjoy summer to its fullest neither are we enjoying the rainy season. The reason - spread of CORONA virus. COVID-19 restricted all of us and with LOCK DOWN imposed we were not even able to go out of our houses.

I still remember those summer days, with hot sun on the head and cool ice cream down our throat. Oh!!! What were those days, those chocolate, butterscotch and vanilla along with mango, orange and strawberry, those cool, mouth watering ice creams......

Well, why not we make Ice Cream today and amazingly mango season is also on, so why not a mango ice cream recipe. Let's not wait anymore, we are going to make mango ice cream at our home today and enjoy the day.

Steps & Ingredients:
  1. Take any 2 big size mango (Alphonso and Hemsagar preferred)
  2. Peel them, cut them and blend them to get a smooth fine paste / puree
  3. Add 1/4 cup of chilled milk
    mixing cream and mango
  4. Mixed it well with the mango paste
  5. In another pan take 3/4 cup of chilled milk
  6. Add the mango paste to it
  7. Blend and mix both ingredients together
  8. Add 1/2 cup milk powder slowly while steering
  9. Make sure not to form any lumps
  10. Cut 1 more mango into small pieces
  11. Add it to this mixture
  12. Transfer the mixture into a bowl (preferably glass bowl)
  13. Cover the lid of the bowl tightly
  14. Freeze for 5 hrs to 6 hrs
  15. Take it out of the freezer and let it set itself to room temperature

mango ice cream served

Mango ice cream is ready to be served
Top it with fine chopped pistachios or choco chips or have it as it is.
Measurement: 1 CUP = 250 ml

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