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Santa Claus - Christmas Connection

santa claus

A Very Merry Christmas, to all my friends, subscribers and readers. We hope we were able to keep you interested with the variety of topics on which we write. Thou we mainly concentrate on recipe, cooking and mobile reviews but then we have lot of other topics covering insurance, religion, short stories for kids, moral stories, news, cryptocurrencies and bitcoin along with online education.

On this Christmas eve, we are posting yet another very interesting topic, and we hope you all will like reading this a lot. Do subscribe to email alerts and follow us on our social media platforms. 

Christmas - we all celebrate Christmas, irrespective of whether we are Christians or not we all, whole world celebrates Christmas, for the believers it is a way of rejoicing for the birth of their savior, and for others a way of getting ready to say good bye to the old year. 

christmas crib

One more traditional belief associated with Christmas, which is much known to everyone around the world but mostly followed by western countries is about Santa Claus. Santa Claus dates back to the 16th century and is mainly known as Father of Christmas. Thou he has different names in different countries.

Santa Claus or Father Christmas or Kris Kringle or Santa are all based on the figure, traditions and beliefs of Saint Nicholas, who is a legendary character and and early bishop of Greek decent, from the city of Myra. Saint Nicholas also known as Saint Nicholas of Myra and the patron saint of sailors, merchants, children and students. Thus, Santa Claus is believed to be a legendary character also who brings gifts and candies or coins for good children and coal for those children who have been not so good for the whole year. 
Sain Nicholas of Myra

Though Santa Claus is an imaginary figure, thought of mostly like to be Saint Nicholas, yet he is been depicted as a long, fat, potted belly, jolly individual who wears a red robe and trouser with white fur on it accompanied by black leather boots and a black belt, and laughs 'HO HO HO', and when Santa laughs, his belly jiggles from one side to another.
santa claus in sleigh

It is also believed that Santa Claus has a workshop were he makes different gifts and candies for the children and to make this gifts and toys, elves help Santa Claus. Another belief says that Santa Claus has an open sleigh which is pulled by a reindeer and that the sleigh and the reindeer could fly. 

Another belief about Santa Claus states that he stays in the north pole, though today many countries near north pole claims that Santa Claus is their resident and even Canada has officially declared citizenship to Santa Claus with his address zip code being designated as HO HO HO HO.

santa claus address

Different countries have different traditions and beliefs connected to Santa Claus and Christmas. According to many such beliefs and traditions, children hang socks, stockings and bags near the window or chimney because it is believed that Santa Claus will enter the house wither from the window or from the chimney. 

christmas chimney

As per one of the beliefs, children leaves cookies and glass of milk or sherry (bear) and minced pies or rice porridge with sugar and cinnamon, depending on the country they are in and the practice followed in that country. It is believed that Santa Claus will eat and drink on what is offered and then leave gifts for the children. In some countries even hay and carrots are kept near the entrance for Santa Claus' reindeer, it is believed that Santa will take the hay and carrots for his reindeer and leave a gift in return.

There are so many faiths and beliefs for this mystical person who is known as Santa Claus. till now we learnt that Santa Claus is closely associated with Saint Nicholas, wherein some other ideas like that of the anonymous poem "A visit from St. Nicholas" or as known as "The night before Christmas", which was published in the New York Sentinel on 23 December 1823 described Santa Claus as " chubby and plump, jolly old elf, with a round belly which jumped when he laughed, like a bowl of jelly".

Even the reindeer which pulls the sleigh used by Santa Claus was given different names like Dasher, Vixen, Cupid, Comet, Dunder (Donner) and Blixem (Blitzen). Where names like Dunder and Blixen were taken from old Dutch words meaning thunder and lightning and were later changed to Donner and Blixem which were more German sounding names.

santa claus by thomas nast

Many American and other cartoonist from time to time gave the world a more defined picture of Santa Claus, like during the 19th Century, Thomas Nast illustrated Santa Claus as a large heavy set person and the same was published in Harper's weekly, on 3rd January 1863. The picture illustrated Santa Claus wearing a dress made of American Flag and holding puppet named Jeff on his hand. 

santa claus and elves

So friends, we now see that there are so many beliefs and illustrations about Santa Claus, but we no where can find out the connection of Santa Claus with the real reason of celebrating Christmas.

Christmas as we all know is the birthday of Jesus Christ, son of God and savior of man kind. We all celebrate this day to rejoice and to remember that "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son; that whosoever believeth in him, should not perish, but have ever lasting life." John 3:16.

christmas tree


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